Friday, February 11, 2011

Downtown Warren, OH.  The view from The ampitheater, where we have outdoor summer concerts. In the background is the Presbyterian church...kind of iconic in town.  It's been there forever and you can see the steeple all over town, and hear the church bells ring.  Nice.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Some shells on St. Pete's Beach, in St. Petersburg, FL.  No big shells but lots of these little tiny ones...easy to walk on.  And the sand was like baby powder soft..and white...and soft.  did I say it was soft?  Cuz it was SOFT.  My furture home.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A little girl who Commands the world....inspecting the sand and all the critters that live within it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The mountain peaks of Salt Lake City.
this was a stop over on my way to Santa Cruz, CA.  that was the trip from HELL, but I made it to Santa Cruz eventually...minus my luggage.  But it showed up later.

This shot was taken from the plane, out the window.  Now too bad, really. With my little Canon Point and Shoot.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Railynn.  Senior pics.

Now, this girl is about 6'1" tall, without the silver heels.  and she wants to be a model.  Gee, do ya think??!  ;)

So we will be working on her portfolio soon.  She studies models..and posing.  I think she did a wonderful job the day we shot was about a 3 hour shoot, and she stuck with it the whole 3 hours.

There will be much more of Railynn coming to this blog.